White short sleeve baby one piece bodysuit with indigo vinyl Ajna chakra symbol.
Short Sleeve Body suit is 100% cotton.
sixth chakra, Ajna, is in the area of the third eye, which is found in
the space between the eyebrows. It encompasses the pituitary gland,
eyes, head, and lower part of the brain. An invisible yet powerful third
eye, this is your center of intuition. A spiritual chakra, which means
“beyond wisdom,” Ajna leads you to an inner knowledge that will guide
you if you let it. An open sixth chakra can enable clairvoyance,
telepathy, lucid dreaming, expanded imagination, and visualization.
The Sixth Sense
world is experienced through the five senses. Even before you passed
through the womb, you heard noises like your mother’s voice and
heartbeat, and listened to muffled sounds outside. You experienced
touch, taste, and even perceived light. And since the moment of birth,
you’ve attributed your experiences to what you perceive through the
senses. You’ve learned to trust your senses in what you can taste,
smell, touch, see, and hear. While sense perception is great in life
experience, it limits you when it comes to expanding your awareness.
one time, you had to count on your sense of intuition and inner
knowing. Before modern technology, we had to rely on signals from the
environment and a more primal instinct to guide us. Just like birds can
sense when a tsunami might hit, or squirrels know when it’s time to
gather food for the winter, humans too have an intuitive sense. We’ve
simply lost touch with it as well as our ability to trust in it.